Wednesday, December 3, 2014

Recipe #26:Sherried Tomato Soup

Recipe: Sherried Tomato Soup
Source: The Pioneer Woman Cooks
Time: 20 minutes
Ease: 2
Taste: 1
Leftover Value: 0--we did not save leftovers
Down the Drain or Keep in the Strainer: Down the Drain!


I'm a little excited today.  When I got home from work, I plotted out the remaining recipes of The Pioneer Woman Cooks for my cookbook challenge.  It looks like I'll be going right up to December 24th, unless I find a surge of energy or a bucket-full of time--can you say, snow day?*

*Don't moan.  You know the first one is always the best.

Speaking of snow days, this recipe is usually a great go to for a wintery day.

If my rating didn't already tip you off, I'm going to warn you ahead of time--I did NOT like this recipe.  However, if I got you excited about a new tomato soup recipe and you have not yet tried the creamy tomato soup recipe that I posted last January, do yourself a favor and make that immediately.


This recipe seemed too good to be true.  It seemed too effortless to be as incredible as the writings of Pioneer Woman made it to be.

But I believed her.

No, that's not true.

Every time I saw this recipe in the book, I avoided it.  

That was before this gosh darn challenge.


So there I was, bound to make the recipe exactly as directed even though my instincts said, SOMETHING IS WRONG!

PW says that using the sherry is optional.

But I'm not sure how that works in a recipe titled Sherried Tomato Soup.


It's a bit contradictory, right?

I've never had sherry before, so I gave it a little taste when I opened it.  While the sweetness made itself instantly apparent, I didn't mind the flavor.

However, after only a few spoonfuls of my soup, I was ready to swear sherry off for the rest of my life.  It completely overpowered any other flavors in the soup, making my dinner taste more like a strange dessert than dinner.


Even the glory of heavy cream couldn't fix it.


I let it simmer a little longer than called for in hopes that the soup would at least thicken a little, but it was hopeless.  In the end I was left with a bowl of sweet tomato flavored water.*

*In case you haven't caught on, that's a bad thing.

The only thing that made it worthwhile was this:


When Hubby and I were out to dinner at The Salt Creek Grille in Princeton a few months ago, he ordered tomato soup with grilled cheese bites in it.  Not only were the grilled cheese bites a fantastic touch, but the soup was amazing.

Not at all like this one.

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