Wednesday, January 22, 2014

First Times, Daniel, and Tomato Soup

Recipe: Easy Creamy Tomato Soup
Time: 30 minutes total
Ease: 4
Taste: 8
Leftover Value: 5
Down the Drain or Keep in the Strainer: Keep it in the Strainer!

My church recently began what is known as a Daniel Fast.  It isn't really a "fast" per the terms of a typical biblical "fast" which involves giving up food for a decided amount of time in order to pray and seek the Lord.  I would define it as a diet, one based on the scripture Daniel 10:3 where Daniel did not eat any "delicacies", meat, or wine in order to seek vision from the Lord.  Here are the basic guidelines:


I had personally been interested in starting 2014 with more veggies in my diet.  Not necessarily eating differently, just adding more of the green stuff to the things I usually eat.

Knowing my body, or my belly, as I do I knew the traditional Daniel Fast was not going to happen.  Hubby and I tried it before and I failed miserably.  (Miserably meaning it's amazing we are both still alive today after the crazy personality disorder I suffer when attempting to eat like a rabbit for more than eight hours straight).

This time around, while Hubby tried to follow the diet to the guidelines, I decided I would go vegetarian for the time of the fast and also try to avoid anything with preservatives (basically, food items that have been overly preserved and have a list of ingredients ten feet long on their label).

Aside from my breakfast of an apple and peanut butter and the yummy salads I managed to tempt myself with at lunch time, my first dinner was the only meal I actually enjoyed.

First, I have to admit something that may seem impossible, inconceivable, and improbable, but it's the truth.

I have never had tomato soup.

There, my secret is out.

Get over your shock before I go on.


Since Hubby was away in LA (again!) it was okay for me to make something that met my vegetarian guidelines without interfering with his Daniel Fast ones.  My brother, Jonathan, comes over every Monday for dinner and usually picks out the recipe we use.  He brought over a recipe book he made at school and picked out "English Muffin Grilled Cheese".  I thought tomato soup would be a perfect addition, considering I always hear of people combining the two.


Now, I know these guys have preservatives.  I've dealt with it, I hope you can too.  In case you missed these English muffins during Thanksgiving, I'm sorry.  There was also a Pumpkin Spice bagel too which I also have stashed in my freezer.

This was the only type of English muffin I had on hand, but regardless, I could only speculate that it would pair perfectly with my tomato soup, and I was so glad that I did.

Once you have a grilled cheese on an English muffin, your life will never be the same again.  Ordinary bread won't live up to what you've experienced in an English muffin grilled cheese.


The soup was ridiculously easy.  However, I did make a few changes/additions.  I do not like, nor did I have any, celery.  I replaced it with diced carrots.  Everything else remained the same, except when I told Jonathan I was making tomato soup he asked if it would have noodles in it.  Of course, to make Jonathan happy, we had noodles in it and from now on there will always be noodles in it.  I used whole wheat penne, but I think in the future I will use an even tinier pasta like orzo.


For a first ever experience with tomato soup, it was divine.  I loved everything about it, including the noodles, but more importantly the blend of delight that occurred when I dipped my English muffin grilled cheese in it.

The only note I would make is that the next day it didn't taste quite as wonderful.  It was still good, but not the thrill I received the night before.*

*This statement, of course, comes from a leftovers snob.  My apologies.

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